Giving at St Paul’s
Financial Giving
Giving is something that members of St Paul’s do as part of our worship and commitment to God and His church here in Holgate.
Regular Giving
The most efficient way to give is regularly through the banking system. The PCC has decided to use the Parish Giving Scheme to do this - parishgiving.org.uk. The scheme enables donors to give through a third-party agency which then passes on the full amount of the donation to the church. There is no cost to this scheme and it also saves valuable time in administration. There are paper forms in church that you can complete, QR codes you can scan, or you can go directly to our section of the Parish Giving webiste via the link HERE. The scheme also allows you to give one-off donations to St Paul’s. To search for us on the Parish Giving website please use: Parish code 430643218
Tax-Efficient Giving (Gift Aid)
If you pay UK tax (Income or Capital Gains Tax) then you can make donations tax efficiently. This means that, by completing a Gift Aid Declaration, you will allow us to claim an additional 25p for every £1 you give. If you sign up to the Parish Giving Scheme you will be able to complete a Gift Aid declaration which can be used for all your giving to us through them. For more information contact our finance team.
Other Ways To Give
• Giving through your employer's Give As You Earn Scheme (check with your employer's HR department) and setting up a standing order through a charity agency such as CAF or Stewardship
• Legacies - You can make a donation to St Paul’s in your will. Please ask your solicitor when you make or change your will.
• Share Gifts - Gifts of company shares can be donated to St Paul’s (this entitles you to tax relief). A website to help you do this is Sharegift.
• Online purchases - you can donate to Impact every time you buy online, at no cost to yourself. Registering with easyfundraising.org.uk or their app version, and selecting St Paul’s Church, Holgate, York as your charity means we will receive a small percentage of the purchase price. Over time these tiny donations will add up. There are over 7,000 retailers on Easyfundraising, so whether you’re looking for new trainers, Christmas presents, the latest air fryer or even to book a holiday, go to your chosen retailer via Easyfundraising and then shop as normal. See here for instructions.
• On most Sundays you can put cash, charity vouchers or a cheque (payable to St Paul’s PCC) into the offering bag or use the card machine in the church building
Biblical Reasons for Giving to Church
Many people have questions about giving to a church. This is completely normal! However, giving is a great part of our worship, and resources all our church life. If you want to ask more questions about why we give then do speak to one of our clergy team who would be glad to discuss this.