Our Values
Our vision is to be a place to belong. Over the next year we plan to focus on the following things.
We want to get to know each other better as a multi-generational church. Through various activities and events we hope to mix more and make ourselves a real place to belong.
We hope to grow in faith and get to know Jesus more deeply through spending more time in His presence and learning about Him together and individually.
Identity in Christ
As part of preaching themes this year we will be learning about what it is to have our identity in Jesus.
Culture of invitation
St Paul's is a great place to belong, but we want to create more opportunities to invite our friends, neighbours and community to come along, developing a culture of invitation.
Heart for Holgate
Our church is at the centre of Holgate and we want to develop our service to and activity in the area, so that Holgate knows God's love.
How can we help?
There are three simple ways: pray; volunteer to serve; give financially. All these things will help us to develop as a church in loving God, each other and our community!
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